Detergents cause water to penetrate more in the clothes (they are tensioactives) and thus they sweep away dirtiness. The movement of the washing machine also helps to clean. Conventional detergents generally use petrol derivates and some pollutant ingredients. Phosphates, followed by phosphonates or percarborxylates, are most harmful to lakes and rivers (they cause eutrophication). Some whiteners are toxic for aquatic life. Moreover, detergents often contain optical whiteners (artificial colours which make laundry look more brilliant and white) which nowadays are petrol derivates (formerly a blue dye extracted from a plant was used). Let us look for detergents with less pollutant ingredients.
Many washing powders contain superfluous ingredients, perfumes, antibacterial ... or stuffing: in the non concentrated detergents, up to half of their contents only serves to increase its volume. Let us look for the detergents with fewer ingredients.
Washing with little detergent and little temperature is enough and it helps to minimize the pollution of lakes and rivers and energy consumption.
We will find more ecological detergents at specialized shops. Among the conventional detergents, it is better to choose the concentrated ones which do not contain phosphates.