We hear all the time that fish is rich in proteins, and blue fish in fat, including the famous Omega... What we are not told is that that fat is just where pollutant, so common in our seas, accumulates, and that the fish being farmed can also have a lot of antibiotic and additives. Let us be conscious of what fish is really providing us.
Coastal little fishing is more sustainable ecological and socially. We will find this fish only at the fish shops and markets or through direct sale.
We have many options of getting local herbivores fish and consuming only those which entail more problems, from time to time.
sectorial organizations: Frigorífics Ferrer, Llotja de Blanes, Lonxanet, Mercabarna, Riofrío;
academic centres: Grup de recerca en Patologia i Immunologia en Aqüicultura de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona, Programa Ribepeix de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Sociedad Española de Acuicultura;
experts: Joan Lluís Alegret, Ramon Franquesa, Antonio García-Allut, Alicia Langreo;
administrations: Departament de Pesca de la FAO, Fondo de Regulación i Organización del Mercado de los Productos de la Pesca i Cultivos Marinos;
magazines: Distribución y Consumo, Industrias Pesqueras, Pesca Internacional;
organizations: Asociación Itsas Geroa, Col•lectiu Internacional de Suport al Pescador Artesanal, Ecodesarrollo Gaia, Greenpeace i la seva Guía de consumo responsable de pescado, Puresalmon, Veterinaris sense Fronteres.