In many Mediterranean countries (particularly in the northwest) we have grown accustomed to having most varieties of fruit all year long. This is possible due to two phenomena: the development of new varieties by seed producers, varieties which give fruit at each extreme of the growing season; and the importation of fruit from the Southern Hemisphere, where the seasons are reversed.
While this production model seems justified by arguments of health and increasing consumer demand, distribution and consumption within this model is getting questioned from various perspectives, and it it a matter of important debate. When compared to fresh fruit, transporting fruit long distances has many problems associated with it. Of course, the delay between harvest and consumption, and warehousing in cold storage, etc., have an impact on the quality of the fruit. But just as much cause for concern are energy waste, pollution and climate change associated with this financial model, and the economic and social impact it is having.
In each season we have different physiological necessities , and our bodies are adapted to the fruits naturally available at those times. For example, fruits that warm us up, or with antiseptic and expectorant qualities are available in the wintertime, and juicy fruits which cools us off are available in the summertime). And eating what the local seasonal environment offers strengthens the local economy and helps ensure food sovereignty. And in our region of the Mediterranean, we are fortunate to have a wide variety of delicious fruits throughout the year! So, the consensus is that the best option is to buy fruit that is in season. When buying, it's important to keep this in mind.