The most correct calculation is to multiply the lux that we need by the square meters where the light is scattered. For example:

·          If we want 80 lux in any point of a 5 m2 bathroom, we will use a general light of 400 lumens.

·          If we want 300 lux on a 2m2 livingroom table, we will use a 600 lumen light on the table.

It is important to take into account that we will not find light bulbs of a random number of lumens, and therefore we will need to take the quantity that most approaches the one that we need.

This calculation is approximate because it does not take the third dimension into account. If the light bulb is near us we will need less lumens in order to obtain the same number of lux, and if the ceiling is high we will need more... or we could also hang the lamp down.