Save the date: BAT4MED international conference on “Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control in the Mediterranean region”, on June 27th, 2013, in Dead Sea, Amman, Jordan
Save the date! The BAT4MED project is holding an international conference on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control in the Mediterranean region”, on June 27th, 2013, in Dead Sea, Amman, Jordan.
This international conference aims at bringing together the project partners with public authorities, policy and decision makers, industries and other stakeholders from the EU and Mediterranean countries in order to discuss the ... |
National closing workshops successfully held in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco
BAT4MED round of closing events in the Mediterranean Partner Countries just came to an end, after three successful workshops held in Cairo on May 21st, Tunis on May 28th and Casablanca on May 30th.
Stakeholders from official institutions such as Ministries of Environment and Industry, Environment protection agencies, but also representatives from the private sectors were invited to attend the events. The main aim was to ... |
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Bat sector reports available on BAT4MED website
The BAT sector reports, one of the main outputs of the BAT4MED project, are now available on the project website, section publications. These studies, done for the textile and the dairy sectors in Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt, summarise the BAT4MED ...
The BAT selection in these reports was based on plant visits, a literature survey, a technical and socio-economic study, cost calculations, and discussions with industry ... |
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A BAT4MED research paper published on Environmental Economics
The Bat4MED team published in the December 2012 issue of the online magazine Environmental Economics a paper for scientific divulgation.
The paper, co-authored by SSSUP, VITO ... |
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Second BAT4MED Experts Group meeting successfully held in Brussels
On 6 February 2013 took place in Brussels the second meeting with the experts identified in the project BAT4MED (Best Available Techniques Boosting in the Mediterranean Partner ... |
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5th BAT4MED PTB and PMB meetings held in Cairo
On December 11th, 12th and 13th of 2012, EEAA hosted the 5th Project Management Board (PMB) and Project Technical Board (PTB) meetings in Cairo, Egypt. Representatives from ... |
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