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Arxiu de notícies » 22 eco-entrepreneurs succesfully trained by Incubaeco

22 eco-entrepreneurs succesfully trained by Incubaeco

10 Abril 2013 | Actualitzat: 12 Setembre 2013

From 1st to 5th April 2013, it was held in Madrid, Incubaeco, the training program for eco-entrepreneurs. The program co-organized by Incubaeco, Fundación Biodiversidad and CP/RAC, aimed to promote eco-entrepreneurial projects in an initial state.

Throughout the week the event brought together a team of 18 trainers and mentors along with 22 eco-entrepeneurs, whose program was developed in structured morning sessions based on the CP/RAC methodology for creating green business, and mentoring work in the afternoon.

On Friday afternoon the participants presented their projects "elevator pitch" to a 15-member Jury, which chose the three projects with the greatest potential for environmental improvement of the economy:

  • The first award went to Javier River for his Reciclaje Incentivado project, which proposes a system of incentives to substantially increase citizen involvement in recycling.
  • The second award went to Oscar Prada for his Asturias Sostenible project, which aims to create a vicious circle and a knowledge and direct contact between responsible consumers and producers for traditional and/or ecological food products.
  • The third award went to Judith Fernandez for her Dive me app project, an application of marine environmental information all over the world, specially designed for diving enthusiasts.

Mesa de debate

It was also held the Discussion Board "Empowering eco-entrepeneurs: projects and ecosystems", which was participated by Emprendae, Madrid Emprende International, Fundación Conama, Fundación Biodiversidad, Programa para emprendedores de Ashoka and CP/RAC.

The large number of participants and public, together with the great impact that #IncubaecoMadrid had on the social networks, has showed the strength and drive of the ecoentrepeneur sector and the environmental professionals.

For further information: http://incubaeco.org


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)