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Arxiu de notícies » CP / RAC continues promoting eco-entrepeneurs

CP / RAC continues promoting eco-entrepeneurs

15 Maig 2013 | Actualitzat: 13 Juny 2013

According to the objective of promoting green entrepreneurship to move towards a green economy in the Mediterranean region, CP/RAC wants to promote the winning projects of Incubaeco Madrid 2013: Reciclaje Incentivado Risa, Asturias Sostenible and Dive Me App.

Javier del Río from Reciclaje Incentivado, Oscar Prada from Asturias Sostenible and Judith Fernández from Dive Me App, were awarded by the Incubaeco Madrid 2013 jury for being the three eco-entrepreneurship projects with the greatest potential for environmental improvement of the economy.

Reciclaje Incentivado Risa, proposes the creation of household waste collection points in supermarket car parks and superstores in order to sell them separately to recycling companies.

The project is looking at the lack of awareness of household recycling in Spain. Unlike what happens in other EU countries, Spain is clearly deficient in the required minimum recovered materials.

Therefore, one of the most important factors is the involvement of citizens, which will be mainly encouraged through discounts and promotions in the same surface. In this way, it intends to involve citizens in recycling by offering a tangible reward for their efforts to separate and recycle.

Asturias Sostenible is a project developed by FAS (Sustainable Asturias Forum for the rural areas knowledge and development) that aims at generating a vicious circle and a knowledge and direct contact between responsible consumers and producers of traditional or ecological food products.   

This portal is intended to provide a service for both farmers and traditional or ecological food producers from Asturias, as well as to the responsible consumers, facilitating the contact and the buying and selling of products.

Dive Me APP is a diving application that aims to facilitate access to information about underwater activities and also improve the interaction between the diving community, giving priority to sustainable activities in the different dive centers with the intention of enjoy the marine environment without renouncing to their conservation.

The application will provide the user with a tool for geolocalized search of information and it will be used as a social community to exchange experiences and evaluate de quality and sustainability of the services offered. In addition, a tool will be create in order to facilitate the management of diving centers and to allow sea scuba online reservations.


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)