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Arxiu de notícies » Learning how to implement the key mechanisms for preventing industrial pollution in Lebanon

Learning how to implement the key mechanisms for preventing industrial pollution in Lebanon

3 Octubre 2011 | Actualitzat: 13 Desembre 2011
H2020 capacity building training on IPPC in Lebanon

IPPC and CP were at the centre of the latest national training course organized in Lebanon within the framework of the Horizon 2020 CB/MEP project. The two-day training course (29th and 30th September 2011) introduced trainees to the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) principles and Cleaner Production (CP) concepts with regard to the industrial sector in Lebanon.

The course was attended by twenty professionals from all over Lebanon, including professionals from the industrial sector, local authorities, members of Chambers of Commerce and of business associations and entrepreneurs.

During the workshop, the trainees had the opportunity to learn information on the advantages and opportunities of an integrated permit system to control and monitor industrial activities and also they learnt how to improve the legal framework, enhancing institutional and administrative capacities of environmental pollution prevention including the procedures for issuing of permits as well as enforcement and inspection according to the IPPC principles and CP concepts.

The course was organized by UNEP/MAP’s Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC).

More information: www.h2020.net


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