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GRECO is a Mediterranean initiative designed to promote green competitiveness in the region by showing the economic benefits that businesses can gain from an environmental approach.

It aims to encourage and get commitments from the greatest number of businesses possible in each of the Mediterranean countries, in including the environment as a strategic element of profitability that seeks, at the same time, to yield economic and environmental benefits. In short, it advocates the creation of value based on improving the environmental behaviour of businesses.

The GRECO strategy is based on:

  • Disseminating information on available cleaner production techniques in Mediterranean businesses by publishing case histories in our MedClean files, conferences, network activities, etc.
  • Providing technical assistance for SMEs on the best available techniques for achieving cleaner production in their sector, as well as assessing growth in terms of profitability and environmental benefits in adapting these solutions. This assistance is provided largely through technical workshops.
  • Providing access to funding mechanisms for SMEs that decide to adopt cleaner production techniques, through financial institutions and international organisations, and agreements between countries.
  • Involving all public authorities, agencies and other relevant actors in all actions concerning the GRECO initiative.
  • Promoting public-private association for green competitiveness.
  • Promoting the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the field of green competitiveness and sustainable consumption.
Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)