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Arxiu de notícies » CP/RAC organizes the H2020 sub-regional training on sustainable management of industrial areas

CP/RAC organizes the H2020 sub-regional training on sustainable management of industrial areas

25 Setembre 2012 | Actualitzat: 13 Novembre 2012

The sub-regional training “Towards a sustainable management of industrial activities in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia” held on 12th, 13th and 14th of June in Tunis, gathered 31 participants from Ministries of Trade and Industry, Environment, Managers of industrial parks and national organizations of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.  Organized by the CP/RAC, the training aimed to address the environmental challenges of industrial zones and support them to steer towards a more sustainable future.

The scope of the training included the deepening of participants’ knowledge on how to manage in a more sustainable way existing industrial parks, how to increase the industrial synergies between companies of a given territory, which are the services they could share to optimize the use of the resources and on how to ensure a long term follow-up of industrial parks. The training also tried to address the needs of companies in order to enable them to support the transition towards green jobs and a greener economy.This sub-regional H2020 training offered the opportunity to discuss on the current situation concerning this thematic in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia (including the drafting of national strategies on sustainable management of industrial parks) and also presented international experiences so as to facilitate the identification of concrete measures which could be introduced in the respective participating countries. 


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)