Source of the information given
The major part of the information of ConsumpediaMed is taken from the magazine Opcions and it is the result of independent research made by the CRIC, pioneer in this field of research in Spain. The magazine is edited since the year 2002.
Starting from an ethical point of view that intends to take priority over solidarity, sustainability and a full life, Opcions longs for a research based on truthfulness and rigor, willing to avoid pre-conceived ideas and to broaden the view. It has always present that there are no absolute truths and it looks for balances between ideal options and realistic possibilities. It does not intend to be a place to find behaviour recipes but a fountain of inspiration, tools and support for whoever shares the point of view that consumption is a key question in order to aspire to a better world.
Every issue has an extended section dedicated to the study of responsible consumption of a specific product. It deals with very diverse subjects such as fridges, diapers, banks or fish. In the research, various sources of information are contrasted (from the business world as well as academic, administrations, publications, social organizations...) and in-depth studies and precise statistical data are searched within each theme. The information is presented, like in this web, as a collection of "hot spots", from which the first one is always an analysis of the need that has to be satisfied when consuming a product and an exploration of possibilities in order to reduce this need (it is important not to confuse it with the fact of not satisfying it) and in order to satisfy it through means that imply the minimum consumption of resources possible. In addition, the environmental and social impacts behind the product are explored, the willingness of some companies who offer those products, and some ideas are put forward to use them in the most lasting way possible. The suggestions to take action are very present.
In the magazine there are also brief sections that include reflections of the world where we are living and its complex interrelations, everyday and immediate action proposals and analysis of the possibilities and limitations of the responsible and transforming consumption itself.
Opcions is edited in Catalan and Spanish and it is distributed mainly by subscription.