We know it, sun is necessary (for example it permits us to synthesize vitamin D, it enhances our humour...), but without trespassing the limit. The longer we are in the sun, mainly when its rays are stronger, more harmful effects of the ultraviolet rays we get. The damage varies depending on the types of skin, if we are more or less used to the sun, of the time and the place where we are in it. Don't let us expose to it too long.
The most advisable protector creams are those which only have physical filters in them.
The more protection factor, the more chemicals. A factor 15 filtrates the 93% of UVB rays and at least 30% of UVA ones.
Scientific world: Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, Institut Català d'Oncologia, Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya, Universitat de Barcelona: Dept. d'Astronomia i Meteorologia, Dept. de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular (biologia), Unitat de Biofarmàcia i Farmacocinètica;
experts: Xavi Bordàs (dermatòleg), Susana Puig i Josep Malvehy (oncòlegs);
books: Antonio Palomar: La sabiduría de Higea. El poder curativo del cuerpo (Txalaparta 2007);
organizations: Associació Espanyola Contra el Càncer, Associació Europea d'Organitzacions de Consumidors, Ecocert, Greenpeace, Grønn Hverdag, Organització Mundial de la Salut, Programa de les Nacions Unides pel Medi Ambient, The Soil Association.