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MEDIA » Studies » General Studies

General Studies

Studies that present and analyze various aspects of sustainable consumption and production and sound chemicals management within a global and regional perspective.

Green Competitiveness in the Mediterranean Region

Green Competitiveness in the Mediterranean

Sustainable Business Management: Making It Profitable to be Environmentally-Friendly

Guidelines for the application of Best environmental practices (BEP) for the rational use of fertilisers and the reduction of nutrient loss from agriculture for the Mediterranean region

Guidelines for the application of best available techniques (BATs) and best environmental practices (BEPs) in industrial sources of BOD, nutrients and suspended solids for the Mediterranean region

Guidelines for the application of best available techniques (BATs), best environmental practices (BEPs) and cleaner technologies (CTs) in industries of the Mediterranean countries

Plan for the reduction by 2010 of the generation of hazardous wastes from industrial installations for the Mediterranean region

Biotech applications in industry

State and trends in industry and sustainable development in the Mediterranean Region

State of Cleaner Production in the Countries of The Mediterranean Action Plan

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)