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Archivo de noticias » The first phase of the development of the Israel NIP finishes with a meeting in Tel Aviv

The first phase of the development of the Israel NIP finishes with a meeting in Tel Aviv

4 Septiembre 2012 | Actualizado: 13 Noviembre 2012

A working meeting to closure the first phase on the development of the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention in Israel was held on 1st and 2nd of August in Tel Aviv (Israel). The meeting was convened at the offices of the Ministry of Environment in Tel Aviv, and attended by representatives from the Ministry and its team of consultants. Also in attendance were the director and other members from the Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production.

The presentation of the progress made in Israel for the development of the National Implementation Plan (NIP) for the Stockholm Convention (SC) on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and the Discussion and agreement of a work plan to prepare National Action Plans to be incorporated into the NIP were the key points on the agenda.

The main objective of this Project is the development of a National Implementation Plan (NIP) for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), such that Israel can support its ratification of the Stockholm Convention. It will also help to strengthen the institutional capacity in relation to POPs, to create evaluation of baselines for inventories of POPs, contaminated sites and obsolete stockpiles, to assess the socio-economic impacts related to reduction of the use of POPs, and health-related impacts due to exposure to POPs, to encourage an interaction between stakeholders to outline national strategy towards POPs; and to formulate and endorse the NIP.

During the first phase of the project, the main information about the current situation of POPs in Israel has been gathered, analysed and evaluated. The following steps include the development of action plans that reflect national priorities in the context of the Stockholm Convention and the findings of the first phase as well as the identification of additional steps that can be taken to the develop a National Implementation Plan. In this context, Israel has identified a number of basic priorities for the country in matters related to POPs, and has suggested these areas as the main components of the National Implementation Plan (NIP), which will be taken into account.


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