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Archivo de noticias » A new Incubaeco program of events for Green entrepreneurs begins in October

A new Incubaeco program of events for Green entrepreneurs begins in October

30 Septiembre 2013 | Actualizado: 4 Octubre 2013

The next 2 October in Eco-working Barcelona and 3 October in Eco-working Madrid the Incubaeco platform will present the “Fall arrives between Green entrepreneurs in Incubaeco”: a program of events for Green entrepreneurs that will take place from October to December 2013 in Barcelona and Madrid.

These two days will serve to present the “Fall arrives between Green entrepreneurs in Incubaeco” calendar and program. The activities will address the main areas of interest detected among Green entrepreneurs and the details will be published week after week. Sessions will be made in the after-work format, from 7pm to 9pm.

The activities will involve the participation of the Incubaeco network actors and the emerging community of hatched and trained green entrepreneurs.

The program will conclude with the selection, review and pre-incubation process of participants registered for the integrated incubation programs starting in January 2014.

Those who can not attend the events, can follow the sessions via streaming in http://incubaeco.org


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)