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Archivo de noticias » The 3rd Meeting of GDE on the application of the Ecosystem Approach was held in Albania

The 3rd Meeting of GDE on the application of the Ecosystem Approach was held in Albania

4 Junio 2011 | Actualizado: 13 Julio 2011

The 2nd and 3rd of June was held in Durres (Albania) the third Government-designated Expert (GDE) meeting on the Application of the Ecosystem Approach by Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP).

The purpose of the GDE meeting was to review and discuss the progress achieved with a particular focus on the initial integrated assessment report, draft ecological, operational objectives and indicators and the proposed timetable for further implementing the ecosystem approach roadmap.

The Decision UNEP(MED)IG 17/6 “On the implementation of the ecosystem approach by MAP to the management of human activities that may affect the Mediterranean marine and coastal environment” was adopted by the 15th Contracting parties meeting in 2008.

More information: www.unepmap.org



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