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Archivo de noticias » Workshop on green entrepreneurship in Italy

Workshop on green entrepreneurship in Italy

28 Septiembre 2011 | Actualizado: 18 Octubre 2011
Green Entrepreneurship Workshop

On September 23rd and 24th it was held in Sicilia (Italy) a workshop on green entrepreneurship titled “Making green enterprise work”. The event was organized by the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Center for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC) and was hosted by The Hub Siracusa.

The purpose of the seminar was to inform on and train Sicilian entrepreneurs in sustainable entrepreneurship, touching some basic points about making "green" enterprises, including laws, real opportunities, business plan and eco-design methodologies, and ethical financing organizations to achieve a sustainable balance and a social aim of investment. Some successful stories of green enterprises in the Mediterranean area were also analyzed and discussed among the 30 participants of the workshop.
The workshop included a contest for the best green business plan about innovation and technical content, which was awarded to Paola Sturiale.

This is one of the first steps of the Green Entrepreneurship initiative leaded by CP/RAC, in order to connect the Mediterranean entrepreneurial tradition with the emergent economic “green” models, inspired by environmental and social sustainability.

More information: www.social-innovation-week.org


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