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Second Workshop for Stockholm Convention Regional Centres

The CP/RAC participated in the 2nd Workshop for Stockholm Convention Regional and subregional Centres.

The meeting was organized by the Secretariat of the Convention and it was held in Geneva during 28 September 2nd October 2009. Representatives from all the centres were present at the meeting and there were two different modules:

- A general module dealing with the following uo of the COP decissions on the technical assistance and capacity buiding.

- A training of trainers module in order to provide training to experts of the regional centres in a way that they can represent the Secretariat at national and regional level.

During the first part of the workshop, it was described the new mandate of the centres after the decissions taken during COP IV. The Secretariat presented the POPs Clearing house mechanism and participants had the opportunity to present their own experiences and their suggestions.

The representatives from the regional centres also presented their work plan and their mechanism in the centre for information exchange.

The second module started with a session where Regional Centres under the Basel and Stockholm Convention were mixed together. The floor was open during the session in order to discuss about some key issues: the role of the Secretariat, the cooperation among centres and institutions, the role of regional centres, pilot projects, etc.

After the joint session the training module was splitted in two groups: one was for Basel regional centres and the other was for the Stockholm Convention regional centres. Participants were introduced in the different issues affected by the Convention and also the available material (guidances, website, etc.).

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)