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Nouvelles 2014

9 septembre 2014
The circular economy as an opportunity for companies

The shift to a circular economy can only be achieved with the participation of enterprises whose core business it’s not only focused into economic aspects, but is also oriented to environmental and social aspects. At the same time, the circular economy would benefit social and green enterprises since it would bring different stakeholders together to reach the common goal of a green economy.

11 août 2014
Call for tenders for mercury waste decontamination in Azzaba site (Algeria)

The Ministry of Land Planning and Environment of Algeria has issued a call for tenders for the Treatment and containment of vases Mercury (ENOF Azzaba).

The opening of tenders will be on August 26th.



25 juillet 2014
Call for tender for a senior sustainable development expert and 6 thematic experts, including one on Green Economy/SCP, for the review of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development

In the framework of the review of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD Review), Plan Bleu is looking for a senior sustainable development expert and 6 thematic experts, among which a thematic expert on Green Economy and Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP).

24 juillet 2014
SWITCH-Med partagera ses connaissances et son expérience sur l’Entrepreneuriat Vert au Symposium SEED

SWITCH-MED, programme financé par la CE, s’est associé à la plateforme SEED Afrique en tant que soutien du symposium SEED 2014 où il sera représenté par une équipe d’SCP/RAC. SEED Afrique est une plate-forme unique pour les entreprises, les décideurs politiques, la société civile et les institutions d’appui pour partager leurs connaissances et expériences, explorer des partenariats, et développer des solutions pour stimuler la croissance de l’entrepreneuriat vert en Afrique.

21 juillet 2014
SCP/RAC explores new ways of design and production

On the 1st and 7th July, 2014, SCP/RAC attended to the Open Design/Shared Creativity Conference (ODSC) and the Fab Symposium both held in Barcelona (Spain), allowing it to explore the  potential of digital technologies in the design and productive sectors.

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)