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Nouvelles 2021

15 décembre 2021
Lignes directrices pour lutter contre les produits en plastique à usage unique dans la région méditerranéenne, une contribution majeure à l'ambition de la Convention de Barcelone sur la réduction des déchets marins
  • Les lignes directrices ont été reconnues comme un outil majeur pour aider les Parties contractantes à mettre en œuvre le plan régional amélioré sur les déchets marins, adopté lors de la COP22 de la Convention de Barcelone (Décision IG.25/9).
  • Les pays reçoivent un soutien personnalisé continu pour les utiliser dans le cadre d'activités financées par le Mediterranean Trust Fund ainsi que de projets financés par l'UE : Marine Litter Med et WES.
  • Les lignes directrices sont disponibles en anglais et en français

Les bouteilles, les sacs plastiq

3 décembre 2021
From policy to action: how BeMed supported projects in islands contribute to the fulfilment of the Barcelona Convention
  • BeMed-Islands releases a policy brief at the occasion of COP22 of the Barcelona Convention
  • The policy brief depicts particular projects and action responding to commitments of the upgraded Marine Litter Regional Plan, discussed today as Decision 25/9 and to adopted
  • The BeMed-Islands community calls on Contracting Parties to uptake, upscale and further support its efforts towards a plastic-free Mediterranean Sea

Beyond Plastic Med supports numerous initiatives in islands which came together through the&n

23 novembre 2021
Plastic Busters MPAs' mutual learning workshop: SCP/RAC brings together marine litter experts and MPAs managers in the Ebro Delta Natural Park

Huge amounts of plastics are dumped into the Mediterranean Sea every day, making the Mediterranean basin one of the regions most affected by this global problem. Plastics are aproximately 95% of floating marine debris and more than 50% of debris found on the seabed (UNEP / MAP, 2015). The marine protected areas of the Mediterranean (AMPs), the guardians of the biodiversity of the Mare Nostrum, are at the forefront of the impacts of this plastic threat. Plastic pollution is a borderless threat and coordinated regional action are essential to effectively address the problem of plastics.

19 novembre 2021
Towards COP22: Who is Aina Pujol , the Switcher who participated to the COP22 Youth Event in Istanbul? Read her story

Turkey, the Host Country of the Barcelona Convention COP22, organized a Youth event (16-17 November) to provide a platform for young people to exchange views for a healthy Mediterranean for the benefit of present and future generations.

17 novembre 2021
Latest on the GEF Mediterranean Sea Programme: public tender for international experts and laboratory to support the implementation of new POPs and mercury prevention activities led by SCP/RAC – Apply before December 1st !

SCP/RAC, based in Barcelona and hosted by the Catalan Waste Agency is currently implementing activities under the “Mediterranean Sea Programme” (MedProgramme): Enhancing Environmental Security which is a 43 million USD endeavour funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) with the aim of reducing major environmental stresses, strengthening climate resilience and w

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)