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Nouvelles 2021

15 mars 2021
SCP/RAC is looking for a consultant to support the implementation of measures to prevent Marine Litter in Italy

SCP/RAC is looking for a consultant to support the implementation of measures to prevent Marine Litter generated by mussel’s farming in Miramare MPA (Trieste-Italy), in the framework of Plastic Busters MPAs Interreg Med project.

8 mars 2021
Interview with Amira Sonbol, Switcher and fashion designer recycling fabrics and empowering women

Amira Sonbol was volunteering in a charity shelter when she saw the dangerous side of Egyptian textiles: piles of destroyed, useless clothes. The shelter had planned to donate the garments to needy Egyptians, but many had become simply unwearable. These clothes had been sucked into the wasteful Egyptian textile sector. On top of discarded clothes, Sonbol estimates that local factories can generate up to 118,000 tonnes of fabric cast-offs annually. 

7 mars 2021
Interview with Diana Sfeir Fadel: a pioneer in the fight for the environment and eco-sustainable development in Lebanon

On the occasion of International Women's Day, the founder of Fondation Diane, an essential partner of SCP/RAC within the framework of the SwitchMed Green Entrepreneurship programme in Lebanon, talks about her commitment to eco-sustainable development as well as the role that women have to play. 

7 mars 2021
Semia Gharbi: standing up for a toxic free & gender-fair future in Tunisia and the Mediterranean

Throughout their lives, women are significantly exposed to numerous hazardous chemicals which can harm them and which, if pregnant, can be transferred to their babies via the placenta or breast milk. The risk is therefore high both for women and for all future generations. 

7 mars 2021
Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world

March 8 is International Women's Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and girls, and raising awareness of the importance of their role in society.  

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)