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Archives des nouvelles » From policy to action: how BeMed supported projects in islands contribute to the fulfilment of the Barcelona Convention

From policy to action: how BeMed supported projects in islands contribute to the fulfilment of the Barcelona Convention

3 décembre 2021 | Updated: 15 décembre 2021
  • BeMed-Islands releases a policy brief at the occasion of COP22 of the Barcelona Convention
  • The policy brief depicts particular projects and action responding to commitments of the upgraded Marine Litter Regional Plan, discussed today as Decision 25/9 and to adopted
  • The BeMed-Islands community calls on Contracting Parties to uptake, upscale and further support its efforts towards a plastic-free Mediterranean Sea

Beyond Plastic Med supports numerous initiatives in islands which came together through the BeMed-Islands capitalisation process. At the occasion of the adoption of the upgraded Marine Litter Regional Plan by the Barcelona Convention, a policy brief has been published to inform the Contracting Parties, and the entire community, on the achievements of this community. In fact, they are active in most of the provisions of the Regional Plan, and hence, the community contributes to its implementation.

Moreover, Contracting Parties may find opportunities to upscale and provide continuity to these actions, in line with national commitments. For example, in Croatia Sunce supports two municipalities in drafting a local plastic prevention plan, including actions on market restrictions (e.g. large public events). In Djerba island, in Tunisia, PlastiStop project is increasing the collection of plastic and the facilitation of the material being recycled – although further support of authorities is needed for optimal process.

Further information: download the policy brief




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Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)