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Archives des nouvelles » Ever wondered where toxic chemicals are found? Watch our new video unveiling facts about toxic chemicals present in our daily life plastic products

Ever wondered where toxic chemicals are found? Watch our new video unveiling facts about toxic chemicals present in our daily life plastic products

17 septembre 2021 | Updated: 21 septembre 2021

Many of the chemicals used to produce plastic products are known to be toxic, some are recognized as  endocrine-disrupting chemicals or as persistent organic pollutants (the so-called POPs and new POPs listed under the Stockholm Convention, to which SCP/RAC is the Regional Centre for Spain).  

They play a key role in our everyday life and can be found all around us as: Flame retardants, Perflourinated chemicals, Phthalates, Bisphenols, Nonylphenols. Invisible to the eye yet present in a variety of products, furniture, electronics and toys, they may cause allergies and hypersensitivity, damage to the nervous system, reproductive disorders, and disruption of the immune system. Even if they’re banned under international laws, their use is sometimes allowed through exemptions.  

Actions must be taken to protect the environment, as we see impacts in both humans and wildlife, we strive to raise awareness among population finding ways in which citizens can engage in this effort. It is with this objective that SCP/RAC releases today a short-animated video providing an overview of the toxic threat caused by toxic chemicals that surround us every day. 

Did you know that chemicals can migrate out of products? Or that many toxic chemicals are used as additives in plastic? We all know that plastic remains in the environment for hundreds of years and can break up into micro and nanoplastics, but did you know that these can travel long distances? Did you know that chemicals, together with plastics can enter the food chain? Stay tuned to our news channel to find out more on how we can tackle this invisible but growing issue. 

  • Towards a safer and circular economy to prevent the use of toxic chemicals:  

At SCP/RAC we believe that toxic-free and circular economies are essential approaches to prevent and reduce the pollution from toxic chemicals and that cross-cutting strategies involving different kind of actors such as governments, businesses, entrepreneurs, civil society organizations, researchers and experts are urgently needed.  

To this end, SCP/RAC is highly involved in providing knowledge, training, advice and networking opportunities to these actors to switch to a greener and safer economy. All these services have been made accessible thanks to TheSwitchers.org, a digital platform serving as a learning and business development management system enabling interaction among entrepreneurs, business providers, mentors and financial institutions willing to develop novel business.  

The centre has also materialized this objective more recently by kick starting the implementation of prevention approaches for three new POPs (PFAs, HBCD, SCCP) as well as Mercury, under an exciting new project, the GEF-funded Mediterranean Sea Programme. A number of pilot activities are being carried out to reduce major transboundary environmental stresses in its coastal areas, by seeking to demonstrate the practical replacement of new POPs through the adoption of environmentally sound alternatives in Mediterranean countries. 

Benefiting from its varied expertise, SCP/RAC also works directly with governments for the development and implementation of national regulations to prevent and reduce pollution from harmful chemicals and with academics and researchers to consolidate efforts for a solid transition towards a circular economy. 


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)