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Archives des nouvelles » Jordan hosted a H2020 workshop on Green Finance

Jordan hosted a H2020 workshop on Green Finance

12 février 2014 | Updated: 3 avril 2014

A sub-regional workshop on Green Finance took place in Amman (Jordan) the 28-29th of January with more than 30 Jordanian, Egyptian and Lebanese delegates from Ministries, banks, academia and NGOs.  The workshop, organized by SCP/RAC in the framework of the EC funded H2020 CB/MEP project, was designed to include both theoretical and practical sessions on the financing of the Green Economy.

The main objective of the activity was to increase the participants understanding of opportunities and challenges related to the development and implementation of financial mechanisms and economic tools promoting Environmentally Sustainable Industry with a special focus on clean technologies, eco-innovation policies and green jobs creation.

On the first day of the workshop the main topic discussed was the various existing multi-lateral financial mechanisms and public policies to support green investment, including tax reform. During the afternoon session, Oriol Pascual from ENVIU, highlighted the existing successful international programs to support the emergence and development of green start-ups and entrepreneurs, in particular in the clean tech sector.

The morning of the second day served to see the presentation of GIZ (a donor representative) of two recent projects in emerging markets to finance green SMEs in the renewable and saving energy sector. Later on and after the presentation of the existing national plans on Green Economy of the participants countries, a group exercise allowed the participants to mix and draft together innovative policies that could finance and consolidate the emerging Green Economy in the region.

For further information: http://www.h2020.net/en/resources/training-materials/viewcategory/281.html


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