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Archives des nouvelles » Second Meeting of the Mediterranean SCP Experts Group

Second Meeting of the Mediterranean SCP Experts Group

24 mai 2013 | Updated: 27 août 2013

CP/RAC organized the second meeting of the Mediterranean SCP Expert Group (MSEG) last 13th and 14th of May in Barcelona.

The meeting, held in the framework of the regional policy component of the SWITCH-Med Project, in which the CP/RAC has a key role as executing agency, aimed at further elaborating the SCP Road Map for the Mediterranean to be submitted at the end of the year to the Conference of the Parties of the Barcelona Convention.

The MSEG experts presented the state of advancement of their respective tasks, followed by discussions on the content and structure of the SCP Med Road Map.

Discussions highlighted the need to establish strong partnerships for the implementation of the Road Map, in particular with UfM, and the interest of integrating the Road Map in the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCP, the Ecosystem Approach and the MSSD Revision process.

The first draft of the Road Map will be presented and discussed at the meeting on the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development (MCSD) (Malta, 10-12 June) and at the Meeting of the CP/RAC Focal Points (Barcelona, 18-20 June).


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