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Archives des nouvelles » Launching of BAT4MED: Boosting Best Available Techniques in the Mediterranean Partner Countries

Launching of BAT4MED: Boosting Best Available Techniques in the Mediterranean Partner Countries

11 avril 2011 | Updated: 13 juillet 2011


The project  will last 30 months and is coordinated by Instituto Andaluz de Tecnología (IAT) jointly with 7 more partners from 6 Mediterranean countries. The first meeting of the project took place on 13th & 14th January in IAT premises in Seville, Spain. The project is co-financed by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development

BAT4MED aims to analyse the potential impact of the introduction of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) concept in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and, more specifically, if this can contribute to minimise the negative impacts associated with polluting industries from key industrial sectors.

The overall objective of the project is to ensure a higher level of environmental protection of the region, minimising the negative impacts associated with activities, products and services from key industrial sectors in Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC). The project aims to help implement the EU Technologies Action Plan by supporting the transfer and uptake of environmental technologies in developing countries. To that aim, the possibilities for and impact of diffusion of the EU Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control approach to the MPC will be assessed and the implementation of Best Available Techniques in the national environmental  programmes will be promoted and supported . BAT4MED acts as a catalyst for change in the MPC, while supporting the growth and leadership of European industries producing or managing environmental technologies.

Specific objectives of the project are as follows:

  • To identify, assess and select the Best Available Techniques (BAT) for pollution prevention and control in key industrial sectors with the highest environmental potential benefit;
  • To promote and spread the use of BAT through dissemination activities;
  • To assess the possibility and the impact of disseminating the EU Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control approach to Mediterranean partner countries


To achieve the objectives of the project relies on a concise working methodology and structure. Firstly, BAT4MED will analyse the industrial context in the MPC to select the most promising sectors with the highest environmental benefit potential. Secondly, a methodology for BAT assessment will be designed and applied and BAT will be selected for each identified sector taking into account specific sector and local conditions in the participating MPC. Additionally, an analysis of potential convergence of MPC policies with the EU-approach will be carried out in order to assess the potential for the future adaptation of the existing MPC permitting procedures to integrate principles based on the IPPC approach.

Finally, the project counts on a comprehensive programme of awareness raising, dissemination and exploitation actions and events addressing public authorities and the wider industrial context.

Expected Results

The main results of the BAT4MED project can be considered as the methodology for the selection of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) in MPC, as well as the BAT sector reports that are to be produced adapted to the sectors considered in each participating MPC, which may be transferred to other Mediterranean countries in the future. Additionally the analysis on policy and legislative framework regarding pollution prevention and control will constitute the basis to set the Guidelines for an effective implementation of an integrated permitting approach in the MPC.


Instituto Andaluz de Tecnología

Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek

Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production - Agencia de Residus de Catalunya

Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitary e di Perfezionamento Sant'Anna

Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency

Centre International des Technologies de l’Environnement de Tunis

Centre Marocain de Production Propre

Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region & Europe


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)