Diagnosis of Mercury in the Mediterranean countries- Frederic Gallo-CP/RAC Project manager
State of play of mercury in the participants countries
SPAIN: Mrs. Ana Garcia. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Affairs.
CYPRUS: Mrs. Christalla Nisiotou. Ministry of Environment
ISRAEL: Mr. Ilan Malester. Ministry of Environmental Protection.
MOROCCO: Mr. Mohammed Chaoui. Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment
GREECE: Mr. Ilias Mavroeidis. Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change.
ALGERIA: Mr. Farid Agouillal. Ministry of Land Planning, Environment and the City.
LEBANON: Mrs. Samar Khalil. Ministry of Environment
BOSNIA&HERZEGOVINA: Mrs. Melisa Dzonlic. Hydro Engineering Institute.
CROATIA: Mrs. Biskerka Bastijancic-Kokic. Releases 2010
Day 2
Regional Plan on Mercury. Implications for the Parties. Reporting Format Mrs. Tatiana Hema. MEDPOL
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