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Arxiu de notícies » Launching of technical working groups in the BAT4MED project

Launching of technical working groups in the BAT4MED project

24 Novembre 2011 | Actualitzat: 25 Novembre 2011

Six expert technical working groups (one per sector and per country) started to work on November to gather relevant information on the situation of dairy and textile sectors in their countries. The first technical working groups meeting were held just after the quick-off National Workshop of each country, thus they took place in November, 3rd for Morocco, November, 15th for Tunisia and November, 17th for Egypt.

The technical working groups are composed by experts in the selected sectors with the aim to obtain specific information about the situation of the sectors and discussing on the BAT evaluation and selection. In a further stage, these technical working groups will review the BAT studies.

SSSUP, IAT, VITO and CP/RAC were responsible of having the first contact with experts, explain to them the purpose and objectives of the groups, their role in the project and the tools and working system to be used. Experts were asked to give advice on reports, studies and information sources available in the countries, and several data were collected, to be completed in the following months.


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