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Arxiu de notícies » Marine litter, Regional Governance and Circular Economy: SCP/RAC contributes to connecting the dots at MARLICE 2019

Marine litter, Regional Governance and Circular Economy: SCP/RAC contributes to connecting the dots at MARLICE 2019

9 Abril 2019

Seville will host the International forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy - MARLICE Forum, 10th – 12th April 2019 ,. With more than 200 expected international experts, it is a perfect occasion to showcase SCP/RAC’s work and contribute to the international dialogue to abate marine litter and boost circular economy.

The forum, conceived as a cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder event to advance in the management of marine litter, gathering public authorities, research institutes, private sector and environmental organizations, is organized by Spanish Marine Litter Association (AEBAM), with SCP/RAC’s support among others strategic partners. The registration is now open.

The theme of the event is at the heart of the main areas of work of SCP/RAC, since marine litter and circular economy are a priority in the projects being implemented by the centre: the EU-funded SwitchMed programme, the EU-funded project Marine Litter Med, the cooperation agreement between the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS) and UN Environment/MAP and the Interreg Med projects: Plastic Busters MPAs and ACT4LITTER.

Marine litter is a global threat that requires cross cutting solutions and a large panel of interlocutors. For the event, four thematic blocks have been set up in order to involve all the actors that can successfully deal with the marine litter issue: Governance, Research, Circular Economy and Innovation, and Awareness.

In the Mediterranean Region, SCP/RAC adopts a cross-cutting approach and works closely with entrepreneurs, policy makers, civil society, governments, researchers, industries and MPA managers. It will be particularly involved in the following sessions.

Spain: first country to host the National Info Day of Plastic Busters MPAs

SCP/RAC, as implementing partner of Plastic Busters MPAs, is organizing the first National Info Day of the Interreg Med project within the MARLICE Forum, on the 11th of April. The Info Day, together with an Interreg PANACeA session, is embedded in the Forum session on “Biodiversity and Marine litter: research and measures” and will focus on activities in Spain conducted by SCP/RAC, the Spanish Oceanographic Institute and the Government of the Balearic Islands.

The Spanish Info Day is the first of a long list: 5 upcoming dates are programmed in each partner’s countries: Albania, Croatia, France, Greece and Italy.  This regular event aims at presenting the project progress and outputs at national level.

SCP/RAC, through Plastic Busters MPAs and ACT4LITTER, will also contribute to the 2nd session organized by PANACeA on “knowledge and tools to manage the impact of Marine Litter in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)”. During this session, MPA managers will discuss the usefulness of these developments in their daily practices and to identify what is still needed to improve the preparedness of MPA managers to address this emerging threat.

Governance: measuring performance in the Mediterranean Region

The 1st day of MARLICE will count with a Governance session focusing  on the Mediterranean Region. Chaired by UN Environment/MAP and Regional Activity Centres, it will review the progress made in relation to the implemention of the Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean region by Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention supported by UN Environment – Mediterranean Action Plan and its Regional Activity Centres.

It will be the occasion for SCP/RAC to provide specific information with regards to the enhancement of the regulatory framework related to non-single-use plastic bags and other single-use items around the Mediterranean, as well as on the technical assistance provided to the beneficiary countries to the EU-funded Marine Litter MED project.

Seville: meeting point for the 2nd Regional Meeting on Marine Litter Best Practices

UN Environment/MAP components will previously meet in Seville for the 2nd Regional Meeting on Marine Litter Best Practices. As a follow up of the first Regional Meeting held in Izmir (9th – 10th October 2018), the meeting will be jointly organized with MARLICE from the 8th to the 10th of April and will be attended by the Secretariat to the Barcelona Convention and the components of the Mediterranean action plan as well as delegations of the Contracting Parties.

The attendees will review the progress on the implementing the Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean and Related Best Practices and will review regional guidelines on specific measures, including those on single-use plastic bags.




More information: https://aebam.org/proyectos-marlice2019/ 


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)