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Arxiu de notícies » Marine pollution caused by plastic has a natural capital cost of at least $13bn

Marine pollution caused by plastic has a natural capital cost of at least $13bn

10 Juliol 2014 | Actualitzat: 21 Juliol 2014

According to a new research of Plastic Disclosure Project (PDP), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and natural capital analysts Trucost, the most significant downstream impact of plastic use by the consumer goods sector is marine pollution, which has a natural capital cost of at least $13bn.

This is one of the findings showed by the report “Valuing plastic: the business case for measuring, managing and disclosing plastic use in the consumer goods industry”, the first-ever assessment of the environmental costs of plastic in business.

The report not only calculates costs, but also makes a series of recommendations according to which companies could become more sustainable by improving the way they measure, manage and report the amount of plastic they use in their business operations and supply chains.

In this sense, the sustainable consumption and production approach can play a key role offering the necessary measures to government and companies in order to prevent marine pollution from plastics.

For more information on the report…


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