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Arxiu de notícies » Regional Meeting to review the Lube oil ESM Guidelines and Sustainable Tannery sector. Barcelona, 22-24 Jul 2015

Regional Meeting to review the Lube oil ESM Guidelines and Sustainable Tannery sector. Barcelona, 22-24 Jul 2015

27 Juliol 2015 | Actualitzat: 14 Agost 2015

In the framework of the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Programme of UNEP/MAP and Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) , last 22-24 July 2015 there was held the Regional Meeting to review both the Guidelines on the environmentally sound management (ESM) of used Lube Oil, and the Guidelines on best practices toward a sustainable Tannery sector in the Mediterranean.  

There were participants from different MAP countries: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan (as observer). 


The meeting was funded by the European Union “Sustainable Water Integrated Management” programme (SWIM) and the UNEP/MAP GEF MedPartnership Project.


The meeting had twofold objectives:

- Review of the Guidelines addressing the ESM of the Lube oil sector and the Tannery sector in the Mediterranean.

- Provide training on selected best available techniques and practices (BATs and BEPs) to enhance ESM of Lube oil and the Tannery sector in the Mediterranean countries, including site visits of related industries applying ESM, BATs and BEPs

Agenda (PDF)




Guideline on Lube oils

The objective of the Guidelines is to support the countries to design and set up an ESM on lube oils including prevention.  The Guidelines recommends stablishing an initial 100% recycling objective for the used lube oils collected in the country, taking into account the specific conditions of each country. The Guidelines present a step-by –step approach to accomplish that objective.

The meeting reviewed the Guidelines and suggested modifications to improve them.


Presentations on Lube oils



 The participants visited the facilities of CATOR, the catalan enterprise for the recycling of lube oils, where 100% of the oils generated in the country are recycled.



Guideline on Tanneries

The objective of the Guidelines is to support the countries to design and set up an ESM of the tannery sector including prevention.

The meeting reviewed the Guidelines and suggested modifications to improve them.

Presentations on Tanneries

Presentation by Manolo Clar- SCP/RAC (PDF)


The participants visited the facilities of CURTIDOS BADIA, a leading Tannery in Igualada which applies BATS and BEPs, and also visited the facilities of IDR, a private company created by the Tanners of the municipality of Igualda to treat all the waste water generated by the sector.







Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)