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Arxiu de notícies » Submissions for the Euro-Mediterranean category of the Catalonia Ecodesign Award 2015 are now open!

Submissions for the Euro-Mediterranean category of the Catalonia Ecodesign Award 2015 are now open!

23 Gener 2015 | Actualitzat: 3 Febrer 2015

The Catalonia Ecodesign Award is looking for innovative products, products under development and product-fostering strategies created by designers, manufacturers or promoters that are designed to improve the environmental performance of products and services over the course of their life cycle.

The Award, developed by Government of Catalonia with the support of the EC funded SWITCH-Med Programme and with the collaboration of UNEP/MAP, UNEP/DTIE and the Secretariat of Union for the Mediterranean, has five categories, of which Category E Euro-Mediterranean Design aimed at entrants from the 21 neighbouring Mediterranean countries members to the Barcelona Convention.

Designers (both professionals and students), manufacturers or promoters from Mediterranean countries are invited to submit their entries through the electronic entry submissions form (Category E) available on the website of the Catalan Waste Agency.  A Help section is also available on the same website with an explanation of the contents of the form and documents to facilitate submissions. Submissions will be accepted from 15th January to 28th February 2015.

The evaluation criteria are listed in the terms and conditions. The winner will receive 5,000 € and the winning entries will be included in the award exhibition, award catalogue and other dissemination activities including diffusion through the SWITCH-Med Platform. The Award Ceremony will be given within the SWITCH-Med Event that will be held on 29 October 2015 in Barcelona (Spain).

For any queries, please contact premiecodisseny2015.arc.tes@gencat.cat or ecodesignaward@scprac.org.

Check here the Ecodesign Award VIDEO!


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)