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Arxiu de notícies » SWITCH-MED organizes the webinar "Circular Economy Actions in the Mediterranean" at the Disruptive Innovation Festival

SWITCH-MED organizes the webinar "Circular Economy Actions in the Mediterranean" at the Disruptive Innovation Festival

23 Setembre 2014 | Actualitzat: 15 Octubre 2014

Can a prosperous and regenerative circular economy replace the challenged linear “take make dispose” economy?  With the aim of answering this question an SCP/RAC team of SWITCH-Med is organising a webinar on the latest efforts in the Mediterranean region to put circular economy thinking in place, in the framework of the Disruption Innovation Festival (DIF).

The DIF is a four-week online festival, organised by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation,  bringing together thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, businesses, makers, learners and doers to catalyse system-level change for a future economy. The DIF will run from 20 October - 14 November 2014.

Offering a mix of online and global real world events, the event will explore ideas such as business innovation, remaking the city, sharing economy, systems thinking and 21st century enlightenment, under the overall theme “The economy is changing. What should I know, experience and do?”.

The Action Network team of the EC funded SWITCH-Med Programme, will participate organising the webinar “Circular Economy Actions in the Mediterranean” allowing participants to get an insight into the making of the regional action plan integrating circular economy principles in the Mediterranean, the latest activities of regional networks, business models based on circular economy thinking and opportunities that are tapped by entrepreneurs.

The session is scheduled for 13th November, 11am-12:30pm CET and will feature:

Enrique de Villamore, SCP/RAC Director

Philippe Micheaux-Naudet, coordinator of the working group on circular economy, Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+)

Ali Abo Sena, Deputy Director, Senior Chemicals Management Expert, Egyptian National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC)(tbc)

Alfredo Balmaceda, Managing Partner, Zicla, circular economy solutions for mobility

Branko Dunjic, Director, Serbia National Cleaner Production Centre

More details on the webinar will be posted soon in www.switchmed.eu 
For more information on DIF: www.thinkdif.co/


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)