The BAT4MED project has the support of an Expert Group composed by the following representatives in the field of IPPC European Commission and the Ministries of Environment Spanish, French and Italian: Serge Roudier (European IPPC Bureau, European Commission JRC-Prospective Technological Institute for Studies, IPTS), Carmen Canales (Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, MARM), Alfredo Pini (Istituto Superiore per la Ricerca e la Protezione Ambientale ISPRA) and Gaucher Rudolph (Institut National de l'environnement Industriel et de Risques, INERIS). They were commissioned to evaluate, comment and validate the methodology drawn up under the project for the best selection of Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the textile and dairy industries in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco.
During the meeting of November 7, experts, along with IAT and the European partners of the project, discussed the most relevant technical aspects of this methodology, which will be the basis for the development of sectorial BAT reports in the above countries. The methodology was approved that same day with the inclusion of some minor comments and will be available from December 2012.