Pasta is a very plain food: it is durum wheat semolina and water; it is shaped and is dried (except in the case of fresh pasta). It contains above all, carbohydrates as all the cereals, and to a lesser extent legumes; it provides us thus, with energy. The whole-grain pasta and the semi whole-grain are more nutritious and digestive because they keep all or part of bran (fibre and minerals) and of germ (fat and vitamins). The semi whole-grain is more complete than the white one and less than the whole-grain; the latter takes a longer time to cook it and has a stronger taste. Let us have in our diet a good proportion of cereals.
The pasta of wheat, bran, spelled and triticale contains gluten. The coloured pasta has vegetables, eggs or other dehydrated elements but in a proportion with no nutritional meaning. The big manufacturers in general dry the pasta at a high temperature, thus making it lose part of its nutritional and tasty values. Let us choose the pasta which is more suitable for our health.
The best options are ecological, whole-grain, or semi whole-grain, and local ones.
research centres: Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries d'Espanya, Institut Nacional de Recerca Agronòmica d'Algèria;
magazines: Pimiento Verde, The Ethical Consumer;
books: several authors, L'alimentació mediterrània, Institut Català de la Mediterrània, 1996, D. López i J. A. López: Con la comida no se juega, Traficantes de Sueños 2003;
organizations: Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos, Unió de Pagesos.