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News Archive » 2019

News of 2019

20th December 2019
The UNWRAP AWARD supports sustainable packaging for street food in Albania

A big congratulations to OPA, winner of the #UNWRAP award, a regional challenge for the prevention and reduction of single-use plastic packaging in the food and beverage sector in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The winner presented their new packaging for a street food service at the Innovation Fest, where it received the Award.

26th November 2019
The GIMED project is hiring!

SCP/RAC is looking for an external expert to define the framework of a Green Entrepreneurship Standard in the outline of the EU-funded ENI-CBC Med project “Green Impact MED – Positive Investments for Positive Impacts (GIMED)” – A_A.1.1_0142.aiming at supporting green entrepreneurs to better access finance and market in the Mediterranean.

25th November 2019
The GIMED project is hiring!
  • SCP/RAC is looking for a specialist/consultant to develop an on-line access to market tool for green entrepreneurs.
  • Interested applicants are invited to submit their bid by 10th December midnight!

SCP/RAC is looking for a specialist/consultant to develop an on-line access to market tool for green entrepreneurs.

21st November 2019
SCP/RAC releases “Priority areas of intervention to curb marine litter from food and beverage plastic packaging in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro"
  • Plastic packaging, particularly from the food and beverage (FB) sector, represents the largest fraction of marine litter to be found on the beaches, the seafloor and in the water column in the Adriatic Sea.
  • Regarding FB plastic packaging littered or ending in dumpsites per person and year, it is estimated at the level of 14 kg in Albania, 7 kg in BiH and 4 kg in Montenegro.
11th November 2019
Microbeads found in personal care products in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, call for action

Several personal care and hygiene products produced in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina have been found to contain microbeads (defined as plastics smaller than 5 mm). These particles end up in wastewater system and ultimately contribute to the problem of marine litter. This research has been conducted by SCP/RAC in collaboration with partners in the countries.

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)