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Joint Consultation of Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions with the Basel and Stockholm Convention Regional Centres and FAO and UNEP Regional Offices

A joint workshop with regional centres/offices under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions and UNEP regional Offices will be organized from 27th September until 1st October.

The CP/RAC has signed a MoU with the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention for the joint organization of the workshop which will be held in the premises of the centre.

The objectives of the workshop are as follows:

•    to finalize a joint proposal on the specific areas of expertise among the centres of each region in which they wish to provide assistance pursuant to decision SC-2/9;

•    to update on the progress made by nominated centres in seeking support to comply with the criteria set out in decision SC-2/9 so as to be considered by COP 5;

•    to assess the progress made by the centres in providing technical assistance to the Parties of their respective regions vis-à-vis their work plans in order to prepare a report for the consideration by COP 5

•    to share the experience of using the guidance developed for the participation of regional centres in the clearing house mechanism under the convention.;

•    to follow up on the technical assistance activities undertaken by the centres with technical and financial support provided by the Secretariat, including

     o    technical and management aspects of the joint undertakings       over the year;

     o    SGP projects

•    to facilitate interaction among the regional centres, FAO regional and subregional officers, UNEP regional offices in facilitating the coordination and collaboration among the centres.

The target participants are:

  • Stockholm Convention regional and subregional centres for capacity-building and the transfer of technology.
  • Nominated Stockholm Convention centres
  • Basel Convention regional/coordinating centres
  • FAO regional and subregional officers
  • UNEP regional offices, coordinators of chemical and waste clusters
Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)