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Preparation for the Ratification of the Stockholm Convention in Israel

On 9th January of 2011, the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Israel organized a meeting in order to start the process of ratification of the Stockholm Convention and the preparation of the National Implementation Plan.

Two of the Regional Centres under the Convention, the CP/RAC and RECETOX were participating in the meeting for providing Israel assistance in its initial stage towards the implementation of the Convention..

Around 30 persons from various organizations as NGOs, Ministry of Health, industries, private sector among others were present in the meeting which involved the first step for future work.

The meeting involved a few presentations from the Regional Centres on an overview of the Stockholm Convention, some consideration for its implementation as well as information on the chemicals under the Convention and some experiences from other countries.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection of Israel presented their Programme of Work for the process of ratification of the convention in their country.

The CP/RAC will continue its cooperation with Israel during the whole process of ratification of the Stockholm Convention.

This meeting was followed by a three days workshop on Environmental Monitoring of POPs, lectured by Ivan Holoubek from RECETOX. The CP/RAC was participating in the workshop and collaborated in the particioation of other Mediterranean countries, as the representatives from Croatia or Albania.

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)