Within the EC funded Horizon 2020 Capacity Building program, around 15 delegates from various ministries, business associations and consultants from Morocco were invited to Marseille from 17th to 19th September, 2013, to have a better understanding of the sustainable management of industrial sites and the development of green business policies.
The site visit, organized by CP/RAC with the support of the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), started by a guided visit of the industrial port of Marseille with a focus on how to include environment (eco-mobility, waste management, biodiversity protection...) in the daily management of a major logistical site.
The second day was spent at the Arbois Technopole site, that was the first in France joining on the same site high level public research with private start-ups focused on solving specific environmental issues such as water cleaning, renewable energy production or carbon sequestration.
The last day was a general debriefing on the strategic framework to promote eco-innovation in the economy from our local partner Institut Inspire, including group exercises to develop national and local sustainability policies and active multi-stakeholders governance in the industrial regions in Morocco.