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Archivo de noticias » Meeting of government-designated experts on Marine Litter

Meeting of government-designated experts on Marine Litter

27 Mayo 2013 | Actualizado: 29 Mayo 2013

The past 17th and 18th of May, the Waste Agency of Catalonia hosted in Barcelona the meeting of Government-designated Experts to review the Regional Plan on Prevention and Management of Marine Litter in the framework of article 15 of the Protocol of Land Based Sources of Pollution (LBS) of the Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea.

The participants were:

-    Mr. Redi Baduni (Albania)
-    Ms. Dragana Selmanagic (Bosnia)
-    Mr. Antoniadis (Cyprus)
-    Ms. Manal Eltantawy (Egypt)
-    Mr. Cyril Michel (European Commission)
-    Ms. Laure Dallem and Mr. Francois Galgani (France)
-    Ms. Maria Caparis (Greece)
-    Mr. Rani Amir (Israel)
-    Mr. Luigi Alcaro (Italy)
-    Mr. Bassam Sabbagh (Lebanon)
-    Mr. Franck Lauwers (Malta)
-    Mr. Pavle Djuraskovic (Montenegro)
-    Mr. Khalid Lalami (Morocco)
-    Mr. Mohammed Eila (Palestine)
-    Ms. Andreja Palatinus (Slovenia)
-    Mr. Jesús Gago (Spain)
-    Ms. Inés Houarbi (Tunisia)
-    Ms. Nazli Yenal and Ms. Ozlem Karakurt (Turkey)

UNEP-MAP: Mr. Habib El Habr, Ms. Tatjana Hema, Mr. Ljubomir Jeftic, Ms. Shelley Farrington.

Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land Based Activities (GPA): Ms. Heidi Savelli.

Regional Activity Center for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC): Mr. Enrique Villamore, Mr. Roger Garcia, Mr. Frederic Gallo, Ms. Maria Lopez, Ms. Anna Ibañez.

BLUE PLAN: Ms. Carla Murciano.

And representatives from the following NGOs:
ECAT (Ms. Marieta Mima), HELMEPA (Ms. Eleni Mastrocostas), MIO-ECSDE (Ms. Thomais Vlachogianni), WASTE FREE OCEAN FOUNDATION (Mr. Bernard Merkx).

The proposed Regional Plan deals mainly with prevention measures to avoid the problem of marine litter in the Mediterranean and to remove to the extent possible already existent marine litter, in accordance with accepted international standards and approaches.  The Plan ensures appropriate involvement of local authorities, civil society, private sector and other stakeholders to implement the measures provided for in the Regional Plan.

CP/RAC has collaborated with MED POL in the preparation of the draft with the measures related to prevention, in cooperation with othe components of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) (REMPEC, RAC/SPA and relevant Regional Partners).

The proposed Regional Plan, after revision of National Authorities (MED POL National Focal Points meeting on June and MAP Focal Points meeting on September) is due to be adopted at the next Meeting of the Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention in Istanbul, Turkey in December 2013.

The Regionals Plans are legally binding, so the contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention, in accordance with the measures adopted in the Regional Plan, shall adopt the necessary appropiate legislation and or establish adequate institutional arrangements to ensure the efficient management of marine litter and the prevention of its generation.

The event also featured a side event with the following speakers:

Ms. Heidi Savelli, Heidi Savelli, Programme Officer, Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land‐based Activities,  Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems Branch, UNEP, presented the “Global Partnership on Marine Litter”.

Mr. Francesc Giró, Deputy Director of the Waste Agency of Catalonia, presented the “The Pilot Project on a system of refundable fee for beverage containers in Cadaqués (Catalonia)”.

Mr. Alfred Vara, Head of the department of waste prevention of the Waste Agency of Catalonia, presented the “The plastic bag agreement in Catalonia”.

Mr. Pere Malgrat, Technical Director of CLABSA (sewage of Barcelona) presented the “Integrated planning and management of urban drainage and wastewater treatment systems to prevent litter spilled to receiving waters”.


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)