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Archivo de noticias » New H2020 training on Green Economy and Green Growth in Cairo

New H2020 training on Green Economy and Green Growth in Cairo

13 Junio 2013 | Actualizado: 9 Octubre 2013

The CP/RAC organized the 4th and 5th of June a new training on Green Economy and Green Growth in Cairo, Egypt, in the framework of Horizon 2020 program.

More than 50 participants from different ministers, businesses, academias and NGOs attended the workshop that was opened by one of the first UNEP director, Dr Mostafa Kamal, highly applauded.

The intensive training has been very positive with an attentive and constructive interaction between the trainers and the trainees. The participants, aware of the opportunities and challenges linked to green economy, could complement their basic knowledge with a broader and more transversal approach linking environment and societal development.

The first day of the training was a general introduction on green economy from a global and Egyptian perspective with thematic sessions on green economy (UNEP), green jobs (ILO), green business (Cedare) and green finance (Ain Shams University).

The second day focused on concrete economic sectors such as organic agriculture (Sekem, ASU) and green industry (ENCPC, environics). Issues related to water and energy efficiency were highly discussed and could offer opportunities for action plans linked with a green and competitive economy.

For further information: http://www.h2020.net/en/resources/training-materials/viewcategory/255.html


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