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Archivo de noticias » Overview of the first days of the SCP/RAC National Focal Points meeting

Overview of the first days of the SCP/RAC National Focal Points meeting

2 Junio 2021

On 1-3 June 2021, the 13th Meeting of SCP/RAC National Focal Points is being held online.

The main objective of this meeting, organised every 2 years, is to inform the SCP/RAC Focal Points, who are designated representatives of the 21 signatory countries to the Barcelona Convention and the EC, about the ongoing and future activities of SCP/RAC (Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production). The Focal Points also discussed important documents prepared by the centre in view of their consideration at the COP of the Barcelona Convention to be held in December 2021.

SwitchMed was highly present during the first day of the meeting as SwitchMed activities implemented by SCP/RAC during 2020/2021 and to be implemented during the next biennium were presented to the countries.

 Likewise, few agenda items discussed relied on important documents developed within SwithMed: .

  • Midterm evaluation of the Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP-RAP)

The SCP-RAP is the first intergovernmental agreement in the Mediterranean basin to establish a regional action framework from 2016 to 2027 to promote the shift towards a more sustainable and circular economy. Six years after its adoption by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, SCP/RAC carried out a mid-term evaluation to assess the progress made and analyse if we are in the right track. The SCP-RAP was elaborated during the first phase of SwitchMed. The evaluation highlighted that we still need to intensify efforts towards SCP and circular economy but EU-funded initiatives like SwitchMed as well as other ENI-CBC-Med or InterregMed projects play an important role in the implementation of the SCP-RAP strategic objectives in the Region.

  • Updated list of SCP indicators

In order to monitor the progress on the SCP-RAP, a series of indicators were developed to analyse the state of Sustainable Consumption and Production in Mediterranean countries. 

With the support of SwitchMed, the list of SCP indicators has now been reviewed (adding new indicators in line with the SDGs, for example), its database updated and factsheets for each of the selected indicators are being prepared.

On the 2nd day of the meeting, attention was drawn to SCP/RAC's work regarding the prevention of Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution with the presentation and the review of the Guidelines on Tackling single-use plastic products in the Mediterranean.

Prior to this, Ms Hara Xirou from Eunomia Research & Consulting IKE exposed the main findings of the information document prepared for the guidelines drafting. This info doc provides baseline information on consumption, end of life management & impacts associated with beverage bottles, including caps and lids; food containers ; straws & cigarette filters in Egypt, Morocco,Montenegro & Greece.

Once finalised, the guidelines will put forward for adoption at the Barcelona Convention COP22 in December.


Tomorrow (3rd of June) will be the last day of the meeting and prior to the redaction of conclusion and recommendations, a last but not least important item will be presented to the Focal Points. Magali Outters, team leader of the Policy Area, will present the work carried out for the preparation of a Set of Regional Measures to Support the Development of Green and Circular Businesses and to Strengthen the Demand for more Sustainable Products, following COP21 Decision IG. 24/13. She will also present the consolidated draft of the proposed Regional measures, reviewed after its revision by the National Experts nominated by SCP/RAC Focal Points to support the process.

  • Regional policy measures to support green and circular economy businesses: an overview

During the last COP21, Mediterranean countries requested the preparation of a “set of regional measures to support the development of green and circular businesses and strengthen the demand for more sustainable products”. After a group of experts analysed the situation in each of the 21 countries and a regional consultation took place with many stakeholders, SCP/RAC published the “Regional summary of policy recommendations”. This was the basis for the preparation of a set of 12 regional measures that will be presented at the COP22 for adoption by the Contracting Parties.



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