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Archivo de noticias » SCP/RAC is looking for communication professionals to support the creation of the new Mediterranean Green Business Award

SCP/RAC is looking for communication professionals to support the creation of the new Mediterranean Green Business Award

15 Julio 2020 | Actualizado: 16 Julio 2020
  • The Mediterranean Green Business Award is a Flagship Initiative of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025
  • The MAP – Barcelona Convention system has the institutional mandate, via this MSSD Flagship Initiative, to create and promote a Mediterranean Green Business Award.

  • SCP/RAC, through the SwitchMed Programme, will be in charge of the organisation of the Award

Call for experts: 

SCP/RAC is looking for a dynamic team of communication professionals with experience in the southern Mediterranean to assist with branding, stakeholder engagement and communication to support the creation of the new Mediterranean Green Business Award, a flagship initiative of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development.

Our centre is seeking a team of communication experts to undertake a comprehensive set of communication activities and stakeholder engagement to support the first edition, in 2021, of the Mediterranean Green Business Award for southern Mediterranean countries.The experts will be responsible for (1) creating the branding and associated guidelines for the award; (2) preparing the stakeholder engagement and communication strategy; (3) designing the stakeholder engagement and communication plan; (4) executing activities from this plan corresponding to the initial phases of the award process; and (5) preparing concept notes for the launch of the award and the award ceremony.The activities will require a team of experts that has a good level of understanding of the cultural context of the Southern Mediterranean countries, and the ability to produce content for stakeholder outreach and communication campaigns in Arabic, English and French.

The duration of this home-based consultancy is estimated at five months.

Complete details for the assignment are provided in the terms of reference.Deadline: Interested candidates are kindly requested to submit their proposals no later than midnight CEST on Monday 27 July.

Download the Term of Reference 

Download the Annexes - Templates 



Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)