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Archivo de noticias » SCP/RAC’s support to Tunisia in phasing out single-use plastic bags: review of industrial norms and legal framework

SCP/RAC’s support to Tunisia in phasing out single-use plastic bags: review of industrial norms and legal framework

1 Octubre 2019

The government of Tunisia has elaborated a decree to ban single-use plastic bags, which will be shortly approved. In order to prepare the country for the enforcement, SCP/RAC has provided technical assistance to the government in key aspects. Firstly, technical advice was provided on the draft decree, as well as on the socioeconomic study commissioned by the government on the situation of bags productions and consumption in the country. Secondly, through the EU funded Marine Litter project, SCP/RAC has engaged experts to propose new or revised version of industrial norms for bags that will be allowed in the country: those which are compostable, or width above 40 microns or volume above 30 litres. Experience in other countries shows that it’s crucial to set clear rules for the industry in order to avoid bypass of the law. Hence, the new or revised norms will indicate the technical specificities of permitted bags.

In addition, the technical advice includes the draft of legal texts that should be adopted once the decree will be approved, including those backing these norms.

This work will be presented in a national workshop next 3rd October 2019 in Tunis, organized by SCP/RAC in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Affairs and Environment. The workshop specifically targets the industry and for that a support programme to the industry will be explained. Finally, the regional guidelines developed under the Barcelona Convention will be presented.

For more information: pfernandez@scprac.org

Find the agenda here



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Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)