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Archivo de noticias » The city of Ramallah hosted a H2020 Training on Sustainable Stone and Marble Industry

The city of Ramallah hosted a H2020 Training on Sustainable Stone and Marble Industry

21 Marzo 2014 | Actualizado: 3 Abril 2014

A national training on Sustainable Stone and Marble Industry was held in Ramallah from 10th to 11th March 2014 in the framework of the EC funded H2020 CP/MEP initiative. The event, organized by SCP/RAC, was attended by around 40 representatives of ministries, NGO’s, businesses and research centres.

The training was designed to share best practices promoting a more sustainable Stone & Marble Industry as well as undertaking a general review of the environmental situation of this critical economic sector for Palestine.

During the first day of the event, international experts from major European technological centres (Spain and Portugal) presented their experience on those issues, with a special focus on improving the extraction and cutting processes meanwhile reducing and reusing liquid and solid waste in the production cycle.

The second day served to see the presentations of several Palestinian researchers and local practitioners on diverse projects aiming to improve the management of the waste, in particular the slurry – a mix of dust and water. Additionally, a group exercise allowed the participants to mix and draft together innovative projects for a more sustainable stone and marble industry.



Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)