The BAT Guidings are divided in 6 chapters: chapter one introduces the BAT concept; chapter 2 explains the socio-economic and environmental-legislative framework of the sector; chapter 3 is a process description; chapter 4 gathers available environmentally friendly techniques; chapter 5 is a selection of the Best Available Techniques; and, finally, chapter 6 lists recommendations from experts.
The aims of these meetings were mainly focused on the discussion of the content of Chapter 4 (description of environmentally friendly techniques) and 5 (selection of BAT) of the BAT sector reports.
Representatives from the Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento (SSSUP) (responsible for the Textile TWG) and Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek n.v. (VITO) (responsible for the Dairy TWG) , with the collaboration of all MPCs, organized the TWG meetings in each country and managed to get through the BAT-evaluation and to have the necessary discussions in order to publish the Guidings in 2013.