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Nouvelles 2018

25 septembre 2018
Mediterranean Coast day: economic growth and the protection of the environment can and need to be conciliated

For this Mediterranean Cost Day, numerous experts are gathering on 25 September in Split the Croatian city hosting PAP/RAC, “the Mediterranean Coastal Management Centre”, to discuss past successes and shortcomings of Mediterranean coastal management, as well as new environmental challenges that require a more ambitious and urgent action.

The Mediterranean Sea, an important source of employment and economic growth

14 septembre 2018
Nous sommes entourés de produits chimiques toxiques: SCP/RAC propose 20 études de cas pour prévenir leur usage et pour trouver des alternatives
  • La nouvelle publication de l’ONU Environnement/PAM – SCP/RAC fournit des indications pratiques afin d’éliminer progressivement les produits chimiques toxiques fréquemment trouvés dans la région Méditerranéenne.
  •  SCP/RAC et le Programme SwitchMed financé par l’UE, soutiennent les entrepreneurs et la société civile à agir contre les produits chimiques toxiques, via une assistance technique et grâce au financement de démarrage.
  • Ces solutions n’auront pas un
Pedro Fernandez (1st on the right) at the side event ©BRSmeas
12 septembre 2018
SCP/RAC at the Basel Convention Open Ended Working Group meeting: marine litter plastics as a top priority topic

For the 11th edition of its Open-Ended Working Group meeting, the Basel Convention1 organized a side event on marine litter plastics and microplastics, stressing the need to take urgent action against plastics.





15 mai 2018
Cross cutting strategies to free the Mediterranean from Marine Litter


The Mediterranean Region has been recognized as one of the areas most affected by marine litter in the world. But the region doesn’t want to lag behind and took up the challenge of freeing its sea from Marine Litter. It is developing a common culture of innovation and progress based on care for the Mediterranean environment and the efficient and circular use of resources.


It is our role to:

- To lead the switch to non-toxic and circular economies

22 février 2018
SCP/RAC is hiring! Find our call for proposals for the GEF MedProgramme



SCP/RAC is hiring two consultants in the framework of the GEF-funded programme entitled “Mediterranean Sea Programme (MedProgramme): Enhancing Environment Security”.

SCP/RAC is involved in the preparation phase of the  GEF MedProgramme, and on the preparation of the project document for the component 1. Child Project 1.1.

SCP/RAC also carries out the prevention and elimination of POPs/New POPs and the elimination of Mercury.

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)