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Archives des nouvelles » Plastic Busters MPAs

Plastic Busters MPAs

25 septembre 2018 | Updated: 31 janvier 2019

The Plastic Busters MPAs is an Interreg Med funded project aiming to contribute to maintaining biodiversity and preserving natural ecosystems in pelagic and coastal MPAs, by defining and implementing a harmonized approach against marine litter. The project entails actions that address the whole management cycle of marine litter, from monitoring and surveillance to prevention and mitigation actions.

The Plastic Busters MPAs project aims to contribute towards maintaining biodiversity and preserving natural ecosystems in pelagic and coastal MPAs, by defining and implementing a harmonized approach against marine litter.

ARC - SCP/RAC is the lead partner of the communication work package and responsible for the elaboration of the internal and external communication strategy. The centre is also involved in the preparation of the demo projects (Testing) on Marine Litter prevention and in the identification of marine litter best practice measures to be showcased in these demo projects. Finally, ARC - SCP/RAC will be also actively participating in the transferring activities and will participate to the trainings on how to implement selected marine litter measures in the Med MPAs (workshops and e-learning).

Expected results:

  • Quantitative and qualitative diagnosis of the impacts of marine litter in Med MPAs;
  • Enhanced protection of biodiversity and ecosystems in pelagic and coastal MPAs;
  • Accelerated knowledge transfer to Med MPAs and scaling up of best practices to tackle marine litter.


Project duration: 1 April 2018 – 31 March 2022 (48 months)

Project budget: 5.055.033 €



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Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)