SCP/RAC calls for proposals to identify concrete business options and best practices to tackle plastic packaging in the F&B sector that can be replicated in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The list will be compiled into a guide or set of guidelines in which each option will be analyzed, detailed and complemented by specific business examples and replicability options.
SCP/RAC calls for proposals for a business support organization (BSO) to organize two national challenges addressing initiatives in business and social innovation that contribute to the prevention and reduction of single-use plastic bags in Egypt.
SCP/RAC recherche des consultants pour l’Algérie: Étude de faisabilité d’une initiative de responsabilité élargie des producteurs (IREP) pour les emballages de boissons dans la Wilaya d’Oran
Le SCP / RAC, dans le cadre du projet Marine Litter Med mené par le Programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement/PAM, lance un appel à consultants pour fournir un appui technique pour évaluer la faisabilité technico-économique du projet IREP dans la wilaya d’Oran. Suite aux résultats de cette étude, des dispositions seront prises pour essayer d’appuyer sa mise en œuvre.
SCP/RAC, supported through the Cooperation Agreement between UN Environment and IMELS (Italian Ministry of Environment Land and Sea) and EBRD (European Bank for Construction and Development), is conducting a series of activities aiming at improving the policy framework and engaging with the food & beverage industry in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro for tackling plastics packaging value chains in a circular economy.