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Archives des nouvelles » First SwitchMed Connect was a great success!

First SwitchMed Connect was a great success!

18 novembre 2015 | Updated: 2 décembre 2015

SwitchMed Connect 2015 was the first gathering of eco and social innovators and their enablers in the Mediterranean.

More than 400 leading start-ups and entrepreneurs, industry agents, change agents, policy and financial institutions working on applications of productive, circular and sharing economies in the Mediterranean countries came together on 29th-30th October in Barcelona.

You can find the presentations, outcomes of the interactive sessions as well as the photos and videos in the SwitchMed website and in the session communities on the SwitchMed Action Network.

SwitchMed is an initiative that supports and connects stakeholders to scale up eco and social innovations in the Mediterranean. It provide all Mediterranean stakeholders with tools and connections of supporting partners for their eco and social innovative solutions, to achieve productive, circular and sharing economies in the Mediterranean.

The SwitchMed initiative, funded by the EU, is collaboratively coordinated by the SCP/RAC, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) and the UNEP/DITE (Division of Technology, Industry and Economics). You can find more at www.switchmed.eu



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